Certificate & Diploma in Education Support – Session 3

Jan 24, 2023   //   by admin   //    //  Comments Off on Certificate & Diploma in Education Support – Session 3


Session 3
Module 1: English as a Second Language (ESL)
In this course, participants will learn about ESL learners in K-12 classrooms. They will learn how demographics and culture influence language learning and the tools that can help ESL students to learn English. Participants will be introduced to the theories of language acquisition and to assessment and planning in ESL instruction. They will learn specific benchmarks for different age groups.
Module 2: Communication Exceptionalities
In this course, participants will learn what is meant by communication exceptionalities. They will focus on the deaf and hard of hearing, speech impairment, development of language delays and learning disabilities. Participants will learn about articulation and phonological disorders and what educators can do to help these learners.
Module 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder
In this course, participants will be introduced to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They will learn the causes, risk factors and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Participants will explore interventions, current research, future directions and support for students with ASD in educational settings.
Module 4: Behaviour and Mental Health Exceptionalities
In the course, participants will learn about Behavior and Mental Health Exceptionalities in children. They will study mood, personal, impulse control and anxiety disorders. Participants will learn strategies to help students with these disorders in the classroom. Specific case studies will provide hands-on experience.
Module 5: Physical and Multiple Exceptionalities
In the course, participants will learn about physical and multiple exceptionalities in children. They will study, different kinds of physical exceptionalities including genetic and chronic disabilities. Participants will learn strategies they can use with physical and multiple exceptionalities learners. Specific case studies will provide hands-on experience.


Session 3

English as a Second Language (ESL)
Communication Exceptionalities
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behaviour and Mental Health Exceptionalities
Physical and Multiple Exceptionalities

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